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Monetary policy and endogenous financial crises Discussion paper 21/2022: Frédéric Boissay, Fabrice Collard, Jordi Gali, Cristina Manea
Foreign exchange interventions and their impact on expectations: Evidence from the USD/ILS options market Discussion paper 20/2022: Markus Hertrich, Daniel Nathan
The impact of German public support transfers on firm finance – Evidence from the Covid-19 crisis Discussion paper 19/2022: Leo Gärtner, Philipp Marek
782 KB, PDF
Time inconsistency and overdraft use: Evidence from transaction data and behavioral measurement experiments Discussion paper 18/2022: Andrej Gill, Florian Hett, Johannes Tischer
Would households understand average inflation targeting? Discussion paper 17/2022: Mathias Hoffmann, Lora Pavlova, Emanuel Moench, Guido Schultefrankenfeld