Rekonstruktion von beschädigtem Bargeld durch den ePuzzler
17.12.2020 EN
Im Nationalen Analysezentrum der Deutschen Bundesbank in Mainz gehen pro Jahr etwa 30.000 Anträge für den Ersatz von beschädigtem Bargeld ein. Um die Rekonstruktion in Fällen mit sehr vielen Banknotenfragmenten zu erleichtern, hat die Bundesbank gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Kommunikationstechnik den sogenannten ePuzzler entwickelt.
Bundesbank-Projektionen: Deutsche Wirtschaft von Coronavirus-Pandemie geprägt
11.12.2020 EN
Die aktuelle Lage und die Perspektiven der deutschen Wirtschaft werden entscheidend von der Coronavirus-Pandemie geprägt, schreibt die Bundesbank. Mit dem verringerten Infektionsgeschehen und den Lockerungen der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen habe sich die deutsche Wirtschaft im dritten Quartal dieses Jahres stark erholt. Im Winterhalbjahr 2020/21 dürfte die wirtschaftliche Erholung aufgrund der im Herbst erneut aufgeflammten Pandemie zunächst jedoch unterbrochen werden. Eine vergleichbar starke Beeinträchtigung wie im Frühjahr 2020 sei aber nicht zu erwarten.
Speech by Jens Weidmann: Shaping the future – Challenges in the European payments market Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series – discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by Olaf Scholz: Views on digital payments from Germany‘s EU Council Presidency Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series – discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by Mairead McGuinness: The Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series – discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by Fabio Panetta: From the payments revolution to the reinvention of money Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series –discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by Joachim Schmalzl: EPI – A bank-driven initiative for European payments Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series –discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by Ignazio Visco: The role of TIPS in the future payments landscape Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series –discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.
Speech by André Bajorat: ”Food for thought“: What digitalisation in payments really means! Virtual conference "Future of Payments in Europe"
27.11.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar
The virtual conference “Future of Payments in Europe” – the centrepiece of our virtual event series –discussed different perspectives on the latest developments in European payments, most importantly the Retail Payments Strategy of the European Commission, the European Payments Initiative and the potential role of a digital euro in the payments landscape.