Panel 2 - A Digitalisation Boost and the Suvervisory Response SSM Round Table 2020

30.09.2020 Keine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wuermeling, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank, invited to the "12th European SSM Round Table" on Wednesday, 30 September 2020. Top level experts from European entities and banks discussed current issues of Covid-19 and its impact on the financial sector and presented and exchanged their views within the framework of this high profile Round Table "European SSM". 

Covid-19: A Digitalisation Boost and the Supervisory Response« , Presentation
Frank Elderson I Executive Director of Supervision, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam

Frank Elderson I Executive Director of Supervision, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam
Markus Gunter I CEO, N26 Bank, Berlin
Dr. Olli Rehn I Governor, Bank of Finland, Helsinki
Dr. Maciej Piechocki I Member of the BearingPoint RegTech Management Board, BearingPoint RegTech, Frankfurt am Main