Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Bank capital forbearance and serial gambling Discussion paper 56/2020: Natalya Martynova, Enrico Perotti, Javier Suarez
930 KB, PDF
A random forest-based approach to identifying the most informative seasonality tests Discussion paper 55/2020: Daniel Ollech, Karsten Webel
737 KB, PDF
Sovereign risk and bank fragility Discussion paper 54/2020: Kartik Anand, Jochen Mankart
930 KB, PDF
Real effects of foreign exchange risk migration: Evidence from matched firm-bank microdata Discussion paper 53/2020: Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning
797 KB, PDF
Anticipation effects of protectionist U.S. trade policies Discussion paper 52/2020: Norbert Metiu
896 KB, PDF
Classification of monetary and fiscal dominance regimes using machine learning techniques Discussion paper 51/2020: Natascha Hinterlang, Josef Hollmayr
Interest rate pegs and the reversal puzzle: On the role of anticipation Discussion paper 50/2020: Rafael Gerke, Sebastian Giesen, Daniel Kienzler
Coin migration between Germany and other euro area countries Discussion paper 49/2020: Matthias Uhl
647 KB, PDF
Capital controls checkup: Cases, customs, consequences Discussion paper 47/2020: Stefan Goldbach, Volker Nitsch
330 KB, PDF