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Developing local currency financial markets
The course is aimed at mid-level central bankers who are active in the area of financial market development and would like to get an overview and a deeper understanding of strategic and operational approaches to developing financial markets. Applicants should have at least two years of practical experience in the field of financial market development and should have a sound understanding of key concepts and knowledge of the fundamentals of financial market structures and operations. Participants are expected to make an active contribution to the course and to share their knowledge and experiences with their peers.
Schule und Bildung
Die Bundesbank bietet ein breites Bildungsangebot für Schulen rund um die Themen Geld und Währung. Dieses Angebot wird laufend erweitert und aktualisiert.
EZB veröffentlicht Statistik der Bankenaufsicht über bedeutende Institute für das dritte Quartal 2023
607 KB, PDF
Aggregierte harte Kernkapitalquote im dritten Quartal 2023 bei 15,61 % (nach 15,72 % im Vorquartal und 14,74 % im dritten Quartal 2022).
Ausschreibung Tenderverfahren – Unverzinsliche Schatzanweisungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland („Bubills“)
157 KB, PDF
Cash demand planning
This online course is aimed at those new to roles in a central bank’s cash department who would like an introduction to planning future demand and monitoring the cash stock, through to more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge as well as those responsible for supervising such processes.
Statistical Series Statistics on payments and securites trading February 2025
980 KB, PDF
Statistische Fachreihe Zahlungsverkehrs- und Wertpapierabwicklungsstatistiken Februar 2025
999 KB, PDF