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Monetary policy instruments and implementation
Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in monetary policy operations and officials from central banks or ministries of finance/economics whose responsibilities require a thorough understanding of monetary policy implementation, or where there is a strong interest in acquiring such knowledge. Participants are required to actively contribute to the course and, where appropriate, to prepare a presentation in order to share insights into the monetary policy operational frameworks of their own respective countries.
Controlling at central banks
The course is designed for high-level employees from non-EU countries who work in controlling at their central bank. Applicants should be familiar with cost accounting and budgeting. Participants will be expected to make an active contribution to the discussions, drawing on their own experiences.
Human resources challenges for central banks In cooperation with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)
Staff from HR units of central banks. Participants should have sound knowledge of the systems and procedures used in their respective institution to manage HR issues and are expected to take an active part in discussions, drawing on their own experiences.
Advanced topics in seasonal adjustment
The course is aimed at economists and statisticians from central banks who are interested in studying advanced topics in seasonal adjustment and in the efficient application of JDemetra+. Prior knowledge and/or experience of time series analysis in general and seasonal adjustment in particular are highly recommended.
Implications of climate change and climate policies for monetary policy Expert panel
The expert panel is targeted at central bankers who are directly involved in monetary policy implementation, with many years of experience working in this field. Candidates should have extensive knowledge and a sound understanding of monetary policy implementation and operational frameworks and should be familiar with the debate on green finance and climate change as a source of risk. Participants will be expected to contribute actively to the panel by presenting the work/viewpoint of their central bank on this topic.
Wechselkursstatistik Statistische Fachreihe - Ausgabe Oktober 2025
Introduction to cash management
The course is designed for professionals involved in issuing and processing banknotes and coins or dealing with counterfeit money. It is also aimed at those who are relatively new to these tasks or who want to expand their knowledge – especially in developing countries and emerging economies. Participants should have some background in cash management.
Machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data – the perspective of central banks Expert panel
The expert panel is aimed at central bankers as well as regulators and supervisors with an interest in helping develop best practices in big data mining and management. Participants will be expected to make an active contribution to the discussions and will be invited to present and discuss current issues in machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data in their own jurisdiction.
Monetary policy communication In cooperation with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI)
(i) Junior to mid-level central bank officials working in the communication department or economics/monetary policy department, especially in central banks under or moving towards an inflation targeting regime, and (ii) officials from central banks whose responsibilities require, or who have a strong interest in acquiring, a thorough understanding of central bank communication.
Cash cycle
This online course is aimed at central bank employees who are interested in the national cash cycle in their country of origin or who would like to gain an insight into how the Bundesbank organises its monitoring activities.
This course will also be of particular interest to cash analysis experts or their managers.