Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Cross-border banking and business cycles in asymmetric currency unions Discussion paper 21/2015: Lena Dräger, Christian R. Proaño
550 KB, PDF
The synchronization of European credit cycles Discussion paper 20/2015: Barbara Meller, Norbert Metiu
Calculating trading book capital: is risk separation appropriate? Discussion paper 19/2015: Peter Raupach
Multinational banks’ deleveraging in the crisis driven by pre-crisis characteristics and behavior Discussion paper 18/2015: Rainer Frey
698 KB, PDF
International financial market integration, asset compositions, and the falling exchange rate pass-through Discussion paper 17/2015: Almira Buzaushina, Zeno Enders, Mathias Hoffmann
615 KB, PDF
Banks’ net interest margin and the level of interest rates Discussion paper 16/2015: Ramona Busch, Christoph Memmel
443 KB, PDF
German wage moderation and European imbalances: feeding the global VAR with theory Discussion paper 15/2015: Timo Bettendorf, Miguel A. León-Ledesma
Tales of transition paths: policy uncertainty and random walks Discussion paper 14/2015: Josef Hollmayr, Christian Matthes
611 KB, PDF
Market discipline across bank governance models – empirical evidence from German depositors Discussion paper 13/2015: Eva A. Arnold, Ingrid Größl, Philipp Koziol
665 KB, PDF
Lethal lapses – how a positive interest rate shock might stress German life insurers Discussion paper 12/2015: Mark Feodoria, Till Förstemann
700 KB, PDF