Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Out of sight, out of mind? On the risk of sub-custodian structures Discussion paper 31/2015: Thomas Droll, Natalia Podlich, Michael Wedow
421 KB, PDF
A macroeconomic reverse stress test Discussion paper 30/2015: Peter Grundke, Kamil Pliszka
649 KB, PDF
German labor market and fiscal reforms 1999 to 2008: can they be blamed for intra-euro area imbalances? Discussion paper 29/2015: Niklas Gadatsch, Nikolai Stähler, Benjamin Weigert
612 KB, PDF
Personal bankruptcy law, debt portfolios, and entrepreneurship Discussion paper 28/2015: Jochen Mankart, Giacomo Rodano
682 KB, PDF
Distributional consequences of asset price inflation in the euro area Discussion paper 27/2015: Klaus Adam, Panagiota Tzamourani
443 KB, PDF
Household search and the aggregate labor market Discussion paper 26/2015: Jochen Mankart, Rigas Oikonomou
1004 KB, PDF
Cutting the credit line: evidence from Germany Discussion paper 25/2015: Stefan Goldbach, Volker Nitsch
342 KB, PDF
The intraday interest rate – what’s that? Discussion paper 24/2015: Puriya Abbassi, Falko Fecht, Johannes Tischer
Many a little makes a mickle: macro portfolio stress test for small and medium-sized German banks Discussion paper 23/2015: Ramona Busch, Philipp Koziol, Marc Mitrovic
Characterizing the financial cycle: evidence from a frequency domain analysis Discussion paper 22/2015: Till Strohsal, Christian R. Proaño, Jürgen Wolters
521 KB, PDF