Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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Time-varying contributions by the corporate bond and CDS markets to credit risk price discovery Discussion paper 08/2007: Niko Dötz
221 KB, PDF
On-the-job search and the cyclical dynamics of the labor market Discussion paper 15/2007: Michael Krause, Thomas Lubik
387 KB, PDF
Does anticipation of government spending matter? Evidence from an expectation augmented VAR Discussion paper 14/2007: Jörn Tenhofen, Guntram B. Wolff
309 KB, PDF
Exchange rate dynamics in a target zone - a heterogeneous expectations approach Discussion paper 11/2007: Christian Bauer, Paul De Grauwe, Stefan Reitz
380 KB, PDF
An affine macro-finance term structure model for the euro area Discussion paper 13/2007: Wolfgang Lemke
960 KB, PDF
Money and housing – evidence for the euro area and the US Discussion paper 12/2007: Claus Greiber, Ralph Setzer
710 KB, PDF
Modelling dynamic portfolio risk using risk drivers of elliptical processes Discussion paper 07/2007: Rafael Schmidt, Christian Schmieder
603 KB, PDF
A note on the coefficient of determination in regression models with infinite-variance variables Discussion paper 10/2007: Jeong-Ryeol Kurz-Kim, Mico Loretan
409 KB, PDF
Reconsidering the role of monetary indicators for euro area inflation from a Bayesian perspective using group inclusion probabilities Discussion paper 09/2007: Michael Scharnagl, Christian Schumacher
351 KB, PDF
An assessment of the trends in international price competitiveness among EMU countries Discussion paper 08/2007: Christoph Fischer
355 KB, PDF