Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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Choosing and using payment instruments: evidence from German microdata Discussion paper 36/2009: Ulf von Kalckreuth, Tobias Schmidt, Helmut Stix
383 KB, PDF
Deciding to peg the exchange rate in developing countries: the role of private-sector debt Discussion paper 34/2009: Philipp Harms, Mathias Hoffmann
285 KB, PDF
Bank capital regulation, the lending channel and business cycles 33/2009: Longmei Zhang
268 KB, PDF
Are oil price forecasters finally right? Regressive expectations toward more fundamental values of the oil price Discussion paper 32/2009: Stefan Reitz, Jan-Christoph Rülke, Georg Stadtmann
519 KB, PDF
What macroeconomic shocks affect the German banking system? Analysis in an integrated micro-macro model Discussion paper 15/2009: Sven Blank, Jonas Dovern
253 KB, PDF
A solution to the problem of too many instruments in dynamic panel data GMM Discussion paper 31/2009: Jens Mehrhoff
304 KB, PDF
The dependency of the banks' assets and liabilities: evidence from Germany Discussion paper 14/2009: Christoph Memmel, Andrea Schertler
554 KB, PDF
Unemployment insurance and the business cycle: Prolong benefit entitlements in bad times? Discussion paper 30/2009: Stéphane Moyen, Nikolai Stähler
351 KB, PDF
Systematic risk of CDOs and CDO arbitrage Discussion paper 13/2009: Alfred Hamerle, Thilo Liebig, Hans-Jochen Schropp
381 KB, PDF
Margins of international banking: Is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too? Discussion paper 12/2009: Claudia M. Buch, Cathérine Tahmee Koch, Michael Koetter
594 KB, PDF