Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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Trend growth expectations and U.S. house prices before and after the crises Discussion paper 12/2012: Mathias Hoffmann, Michael U. Krause, Thomas Laubach
351 KB, PDF
Credit portfolio modelling and its effect on capital requirements Discussion paper 11/2012: Dilek Bülbül, Claudia Lambert
625 KB, PDF
Capital regulation, liquidity requirements and taxation in a dynamic model of banking Discussion paper 10/2012: Gianni de Nicolò, Andrea Gamba, Marcella Lucchetta
797 KB, PDF
Bank regulation and stability: an examination of the Basel market risk framework Discussion paper 09/2012: Gordon J. Alexander, Alexandre M. Baptista, Shu Yan
438 KB, PDF
Does Wagner's law ruin the sustainability of German public finances? Discussion paper 08/2012: Christoph Priesmeier, Gerrit B. Koester
392 KB, PDF
Towards an explanation of cross-country asymmetries in monetary transmission Discussion paper 07/2012: Georgios Georgiadis
850 KB, PDF
Regulation, credit risk transfer with CDS, and bank lending Discussion paper 05/2012: Thilo Pausch, Peter Welzel
299 KB, PDF
Maturity shortening and market failure Discussion paper 06/2012: Felix Thierfelder
497 KB, PDF
Stress testing German banks against a global cost-of-capital shock Discussion paper 04/2012: Klaus Düllmann, Thomas Kick
325 KB, PDF
Executive board composition and bank risk taking Discussion paper 03/2012: Allen N. Berger, Thomas Kick, Klaus Schaeck
603 KB, PDF