Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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Partial pooling with cross-country priors: An application to house price shocks Discussion paper 06/2020: Markus Roth
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Financial variables as predictors of real growth vulnerability Discussion paper 05/2020: Lucrezia Reichlin, Giovanni Ricco, Thomas Hasenzagl
Financial stability committees and the countercyclical capital buffer Discussion paper 04/2020: Rochelle M. Edge, J. Nellie Liang
The power of forward guidance in a quantitative TANK model Discussion paper 03/2020: Rafael Gerke, Sebastian Giesen, Alexander Scheer
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Interest and credit risk management in German banks: Evidence from a quantitative survey Discussion paper 02/2020: Vanessa Dräger, Lotta Heckmann-Draisbach, Christoph Memmel
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Indeterminacy and imperfect information Discussion paper 01/2020: Thomas A. Lubik, Christian Matthes, Elmar Mertens
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The transmission of bank capital requirements and monetary policy to bank lending Discussion paper 49/2019: Björn Imbierowicz, Axel Löffler, Ursula Vogel
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Does the lack of financial stability impair the transmission of monetary policy? Discussion paper 48/2019: Viral V. Acharya, Sascha Steffen, Björn Imbierowicz, Daniel Teichmann
Financial frictions, the Phillips curve and monetary policy Discussion paper 47/2019: Philipp Lieberknecht
The impact of US tariffs against China on US imports: Evidence for trade diversion? Discussion paper 46/2019: Philipp Meinen, Patrick Schulte, Simone Cigna, Nils Steinhoff
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