Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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Financial constraints and capacity adjustment in the United Kingdom - Evidence from a large panel of survey data Discussion paper 01/2005: Ulf von Kalckreuth, Emma Murphy
410 KB, PDF
Measurement matters - Input price proxies and bank efficiency in Germany Discussion paper 01/2005: Michael Koetter
263 KB, PDF
Testing for business cycle asymmetries based on autoregressions with a Markov-switching intercept Discussion paper 41/2004: Malte Knüppel
499 KB, PDF
Expected budget deficits and interest rate swap spreads - Evidence for France, Germany and Italy Discussion paper 40/2004: Kirsten H. Heppke-Falk, Felix Hüfner
346 KB, PDF
Optimal lender of last resort policy in different financial systems Discussion paper 39/2004: Falko Fecht, Marcel Tyrell
342 KB, PDF
What do deficits tell us about debt? Empirical evidence on creative accounting with fiscal rules in the EU Discussion paper 38/2004: Jürgen von Hagen, Guntram B. Wolff
274 KB, PDF
Taylor rules for the euro area: the issue of real-time data Discussion paper 37/2004: Dieter Gerdesmeier, Barbara Roffia
281 KB, PDF
Estimating probabilities of default for German saving banks and credit cooperatives Discussion paper 06/2004: Daniel Porath
350 KB, PDF
The Contribution of Rapid Financial Development to Asymmetric Growth of Manufacturing Industries: Common Claims vs. Evidence for Poland Discussion paper 34/2004: George M. von Furstenberg
319 KB, PDF
Inflation and core money growth in the euro area Discussion paper 36/2004: Manfred J.M.Neumann, Claus Greiber
227 KB, PDF