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Banking statistics - August 2016 Statistical Supplement 1 to the Monthly Report
Monatsbericht - August 2016
Der Monatsbericht August 2016 erläutert die Wirtschaftslage in Deutschland im Sommer 2016.
Inflation expectations, disagreement, and monetary policy Discussion paper 31/2016: Mathias Hoffmann, Patrick Hürtgen
485 KB, PDF
How does P2P lending fit into the consumer credit market? Discussion paper 30/2016: Calebe de Roure, Loriana Pelizzon, Paolo Tasca
445 KB, PDF
Capturing information contagion in a stress-testing framework Discussion paper 29/2016: Kartik Anand, Céline Gauthier, Prasanna Gai, Moez Souissi
Devisenkursstatistik - August 2016 Statistisches Beiheft 5 zum Monatsbericht
485 KB, PDF
Exchange rate statistics - August 2016 Statistical Supplement 5 to the Monthly Report
487 KB, PDF
Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts Discussion paper 28/2016: Malte Knüppel, Andreea L. Vladu
471 KB, PDF
International banking and cross-border effects of regulation: lessons from Germany Discussion paper 27/2016: Jana Ohls, Marcus Pramor, Lena Tonzer
594 KB, PDF