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Uncertainty about QE effects when an interest rate peg is anticipated Discussion paper 12/2018: Rafael Gerke, Sebastian Giesen, Daniel Kienzler
Fiscal regimes and the (non)stationarity of debt Discussion paper 11/2018: Josef Hollmayr
860 KB, PDF
A note on the predictive power of survey data in nowcasting euro area GDP Discussion paper 10/2018: Jeong-Ryeol Kurz-Kim
396 KB, PDF
Cheap talk? Financial sanctions and non-financial activity Discussion paper 09/2018: Tibor Besedeš, Stefan Goldbach, Volker Nitsch
428 KB, PDF
Bestandserhebung über Direktinvestitionen 2018 Statistische Sonderveröffentlichung 10
940 KB, PDF
A comprehensive view on risk reporting: evidence from supervisory data Discussion paper 08/2018: Puriya Abbassi, Michael Schmidt
1022 KB, PDF
Zahlungsbilanzstatistik - April 2018 Statistisches Beiheft 3 zum Monatsbericht