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Fiscal sustainability during the COVID-19 pandemic Discussion paper 35/2020: Patrick Hürtgen
605 KB, PDF
Robust inference in time-varying structural VAR models: The DC-Cholesky multivariate stochastic volatility model Discussion paper 34/2020: Benny Hartwig
Zusammenfassung der geldpolitischen Sitzung des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank vom 3.-4. Juni 2020
196 KB, PDF
Climate Change and Monetary Policy Initial takeaways
Climate change is one of the most significant structural force shaping the global economy. Its impact will be substantial and diverse, affecting all economic agents and sectors across the globe. This report compiled by the NGFS group of experts on monetary policy and climate change investigates the possible effects of climate change on the conduct of monetary policy.
Guide to climate scenario analysis for central banks and supervisors
Climate change, and our response to it, will have a significant impact on economic and financial systems. The impacts will be far-reaching in breadth and in magnitude; subject to tipping points and irreversible changes; and are uncertain yet at the same time totally foreseeable. In particular, while we do not know now exactly what physical and transition risks will materialise, we do know for sure that we will face some combination of those risks. And, crucially, we also know that the size and balance of these future financial risks and economic costs will depend on the actions we take today.