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Geopolitical risk perceptions Discussion paper 37/2024: Yevheniia Bondarenko, Vivien Lewis, Matthias Rottner, Yves Schüler
Financial fragility in open-ended mutual funds: the role of liquidity management tools Discussion paper 36/2024: Peter Dunne, Lorenz Emter, Falko Fecht, Raffaele Giuliana, Oana Peia
819 KB, PDF
Risky sovereign bond holdings by commercial banks in the euro area: Do safe assets availability and differences in bank funding costs play a role? Discussion paper 35/2024: Axel Jochem, Ernest Lecomte
Doom loop, trilemma, and moral hazard: Which narrative of the banking union did stock market investors buy? Discussion paper 34/2024: Tobias Körner, Michael Papageorgiou
Zusammenfassung der geldpolitischen Sitzung des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank am 17.-18. Juli 2024
357 KB, PDF