Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Evaluating the German bank merger wave Discussion paper 12/2005: Michael Koetter
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Dynamic factor models Discussion paper 38/2005: Jörg Breitung, Sandra Eickmeier
443 KB, PDF
Short-run and long-run comovement of GDP and some expenditure aggregates in Germany, France and Italy Discussion paper 39/2005: Thomas A. Knetsch
A "wreckers theory" of financial distress Discussion paper 40/2005: Ulf von Kalckreuth
616 KB, PDF
Determinants of current account developments in the central and east European EU member states - consequences for the enlargement of the euro area Discussion paper 32/2005: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
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Financial integration and systemic risk Discussion paper 11/2005: Falko Fecht, Hans Peter Grüner
636 KB, PDF
Monetary policy with model uncertainty: distribution forecast targeting Discussion paper 35/2005: Lars E.O. Svensson, Noah Williams
550 KB, PDF
Comparing the value revelance of R&D reporting in Germany: standard and selection effects Discussion paper 36/2005: Fred Ramb, Markus Reitzig
189 KB, PDF
Rational inattention: a research agenda Discussion paper 34/2005: Christopher A. Sims
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An estimated DSGE model for the German economy within the euro area Discussion paper 33/2005: Ernest Pytlarczyk
781 KB, PDF