Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
International co-operation on innovation: empirical evidence for German and Portuguese firms Discussion paper 30/2007: Pedro Faria, Tobias Schmidt
330 KB, PDF
The timeless perspective vs. discretion: theory and monetary policy implications for an open economy Discussion paper 29/2007: Alfred V. Guender
654 KB, PDF
The timing and magnitude of exchange rate overshooting Discussion paper 28/2007: Mathias Hoffmann, Jens Søndergaard, Niklas J. Westelius
374 KB, PDF
Spill-over effects of monetary policy – a progress report on interest rate convergence in Europe Discussion paper 27/2007: Michael Flad
576 KB, PDF
Taxing deficits to restrain government spending and foster capital accumulation Discussion paper 26/2007: Nikolai Stähler
297 KB, PDF
Asset correlations and credit portfolio risk – an empirical analysis Discussion paper 13/2007: Klaus Düllmann, Martin Scheicher, Christian Schmieder
361 KB, PDF
Quantifying risk and uncertainty in macroeconomic forecasts Discussion paper 25/2007: Malte Knüppel, Karl-Heinz Tödter
581 KB, PDF
International investment positions and exchange rate dynamics: a dynamic panel analysis Discussion paper 23/2007: Michael Binder, Christian J. Offermanns
Corporate marginal tax rate, tax loss carryforwards and investment functions - empirical analysis using a large German panel data set Discussion paper 21/2007: Fred Ramb
331 KB, PDF
Volatile multinationals? Evidence from the labor demand of German firms Discussion paper 22/2007: Claudia M. Buch, Alexander Lipponer
367 KB, PDF