Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Transmission of nominal exchange rate changes to export prices and trade flows and implications for exchange rate policy Discussion paper 21/2009: Mathias Hoffmann, Oliver Holtemöller
320 KB, PDF
Income diversification in the German banking industry Discussion paper 09/2009: Ramona Busch, Thomas Kick
354 KB, PDF
Does lowering dividend tax rates increase dividends repatriated? Evidence of intra-firm cross-border dividend repatriation policies by German multinational enterprises Discussion paper 19/2009: Christian Bellak, Markus Leibrecht, Michael Wild
402 KB, PDF
Money and monetary policy transmission in the euro area: evidence from FAVAR- and VAR approaches Discussion paper 18/2009: Barno Blaes
299 KB, PDF
The cross-section of firms over the business cycle: new facts and a DSGE exploration Discussion paper 17/2009: Ruediger Bachmann, Christian Bayer
478 KB, PDF
The effects of knowledge management on innovative success - an empirical analysis of German firms Discussion paper 16/2009: Uwe Cantner, Kristin Joel, Tobias Schmidt
276 KB, PDF
Firm-specific productivity risk over the business cycle: facts and aggregate implications Discussion paper 15/2009: Ruediger Bachmann, Christian Bayer
648 KB, PDF
Financial markets´ appetite for risk - and the challenge of assessing its evolution by risk appetite indicators Discussion paper 08/2009: Birgit Uhlenbrock
Changes in import pricing behaviour: the case of Germany Discussion paper 14/2009: Kerstin Stahn
447 KB, PDF