Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Bubbles and incentives: a post-mortem of the Neuer Markt in Germany Discussion paper 15/2010: Ulf von Kalckreuth, Leonid Silbermann
652 KB, PDF
The discontinuous integration of Western Europe’s heterogeneous market for corporate control from 1995 to 2007 Discussion paper 14/2010: Rainer Frey
784 KB, PDF
Extraordinary measures in extraordinary times – public measures in support of the financial sector in the EU and the United States Discussion paper 13/2010: Stéphanie Marie Stolz, Michael Wedow
User costs of housing when households face a credit constraint – evidence for Germany Discussion paper 12/2010: Tobias Dümmler, Stephan Kienle
429 KB, PDF
What can EMU countries’ sovereign bond spreads tell us about market perceptions of default probabilities during the recent financial crisis? Discussion paper 11/2010: Niko Dötz, Christoph Fischer
505 KB, PDF
Trend and cycle features in German residential investment before and after reunification Discussion paper 10/2010: Thomas A. Knetsch
316 KB, PDF
Banking and sovereign risk in the euro area Discussion paper 09/2010: Stefan Gerlach, Alexander Schulz, Guntram B. Wolff
328 KB, PDF
What drives portfolio investments of German banks in emerging capital markets? Discussion paper 04/2010: Christian Wildmann
453 KB, PDF
Purchase and redemption decisions of mutual fund investors and the role of fund families Discussion paper 03/2010: Stephan Jank, Michael Wedow
196 KB, PDF
Recovery determinants of distressed banks: Regulators, market discipline, or the environment? Discussion paper 02/2010: Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter, Tigran Poghosyan
160 KB, PDF