Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Optimal unemployment insurance and international risk sharing Discussion paper 33/2016: Stéphane Moyen, Nikolai Stähler, Fabian Winkler
568 KB, PDF
Below the zero lower bound – a shadow-rate term structure model for the euro area Discussion paper 32/2016: Wolfgang Lemke, Andreea L. Vladu
715 KB, PDF
Inflation expectations, disagreement, and monetary policy Discussion paper 31/2016: Mathias Hoffmann, Patrick Hürtgen
485 KB, PDF
How does P2P lending fit into the consumer credit market? Discussion paper 30/2016: Calebe de Roure, Loriana Pelizzon, Paolo Tasca
445 KB, PDF
Capturing information contagion in a stress-testing framework Discussion paper 29/2016: Kartik Anand, Céline Gauthier, Prasanna Gai, Moez Souissi
Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts Discussion paper 28/2016: Malte Knüppel, Andreea L. Vladu
471 KB, PDF
International banking and cross-border effects of regulation: lessons from Germany Discussion paper 27/2016: Jana Ohls, Marcus Pramor, Lena Tonzer
594 KB, PDF
Budget-neutral labour tax wedge reductions: a simulation-based analysis for selected euro area countries Discussion paper 26/2016: Maria-Grazia Attinasi, Doris Prammer, Nikolai Stähler, Martino Tasso, Stefan van Parys
662 KB, PDF
Flying under the radar: the effects of short-sale disclosure rules on investor behavior and stock prices Discussion paper 25/2016: Stephan Jank, Christoph Roling, Esad Smajlbegovic
737 KB, PDF
The payout behaviour of German savings banks Discussion paper 24/2016: Matthias Köhler
394 KB, PDF