Macroprudential surveillance Expert panel

Deadline for application

01 March 2024


The global financial crisis of 2007-08 showed that monitoring risks, vulnerabilities and the resilience of individual financial firms is not sufficient to safeguard the stability of the financial system as a whole. Since the global financial crisis, central banks and other macroprudential authorities have developed macroprudential surveillance frameworks to monitor potential risks and vulnerabilities in the financial system. These frameworks typically define general concepts and include a set of analytical tools to identify and monitor potential financial stability risks. In order to gain macroprudential insights, it is essential to take into account spillovers within and across different sectors of the financial system and the feedback effects arising in the financial system due to macroeconomic developments.

The expert panel will give an overview of the general concepts and the analytical toolkit for financial stability analysis and macroprudential surveillance at the Deutsche Bundesbank. We aim to provide a platform to present and discuss approaches for obtaining an overall assessment of the stability of the financial system. To conclude the workshop, we will discuss how we communicate our financial stability assessment to the general public and specific stakeholders.

Participants are expected to make an active contribution to the discussions and will be invited to present and discuss current challenges related to macroprudential surveillance in their own jurisdiction. Participants are welcome to present their own analyses related to the topic of the course.


  • Macroprudential surveillance: conceptual framework and specific tools 
  • Monitoring of financial sector developments in times of high uncertainty
  • Analytical approaches to macroprudential stress testing
  • External communication of financial stability issues: approaches and communication channels 

Target group

This course is aimed at central bank officials working in the area of financial stability. Participants should have a sound understanding of the surveillance and analysis of systemic risk and macroprudential policy.

The expert panel is designed to provide central bankers with a platform to share their experience and knowledge. Active participation is an essential part of the course.

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