Digital transformation and innovation at central banks Expert panel

Deadline for application

01 March 2024


Digitalisation is no longer merely a recent trend, having grown to become the game changer of the decade. Central banks are also increasingly turning their attention to understanding developments and expanding their capabilities in this area.

This expert panel will touch upon the most important aspects of digitalisation, giving participants the chance to discuss their own experiences.


(1) Digital transformation at central banks

  • How to foster successful transformation in times of extraordinary change
  • The need for an ecosystem approach
  • Digital transformation at the Bundesbank: goals, roadmap and organisational setup

(2) Fostering innovation through international collaboration

  • The Bundesbank’s innovation networks BISIN and Innov8: how and why we collaborate
  • Setting up the BIS Innovation Hub Eurosystem Centre
  • Trending topics: insights into current innovation activities 
  • Interaction: creating value for central banks through collaboration

(3) Innovation management at the Bundesbank’s InnoWerk centre

  • The work of the InnoWerk innovation centre (e.g. objectives, functions and services) and how InnoWerk fits into the Bundesbank’s innovation network as a service unit
  • Exemplary innovation activities and how we use our outreach in the fintech scene or research community for this purpose
  • Collaboration with external partners and the ecosystem (start-ups)
  • InnoWerk’s spatial concept, which supports collaboration within the Bundesbank in particular through its hybrid setting

(4) Fostering artificial intelligence and process digitalisation through cross-functional teams

Centre of Competence for Process Digitalisation (CPro)

  • Introduction of the centre and its operating model 
  • Selected projects: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Business Process Management Software (BPMS)
  • Presentation of first use cases in RPA

Service Community for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI)

  • Introduction of the centre and its operating model 
  • What do we mean by artificial intelligence?
  • Focus topic: NLP (Natural Language Processing)
  • Presentation of use cases and potential uses of these technologies 

Target group

This expert panel is aimed at central bank managers and experts in IT, strategic offices, innovation and digitalisation departments, as well as fintech observers and anyone interested and involved in this field. 

The expert panel will serve as a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge. Participants will be asked to actively contribute to the panel, e.g. in the form of a presentation.

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