The Future of Banking: Risk Management, Governance, and Innovation in a Regulated World Deutsche Bundesbank – IWH – CEPR
The rapid evolution of the banking sector, driven by technological advancements, geopolitical tensions, and emerging risks, is reshaping the landscape for financial intermediaries. This conference will address critical issues in risk management, governance, and innovation, focusing on the implications for financial regulation and supervision in this dynamic environment. These issues will be discussed from a scientific perspective.
The conference is organised jointly by the Deutsche Bundesbank, the IWH, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and will feature plenary sessions with keynote addresses by Christine Parlour, Haas School of Business, Berkeley, and Elena Carletti, Bocconi University and CEPR, and speeches by Fritzi Köhler-Geib and Michael Theurer (Members of the Board of Deutsche Bundesbank).