Hybrid Workshop on Microfoundations in Measurement and Theory
The Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank organizes a hybrid workshop on Microfoundations in Measurement and Theory. The neoclassical synthesis has laid down the microfoundation as the tenet dominant among macroeconomists since the 1930s. However, there is a huge micro-macro gap: the aggregates of many balance sheet items in the household survey (HS) cover only less than half of national accounts (NA) aggregates. This gap poses multiple challenges: 1) NA aggregates are the benchmark to recover a true distribution yet there is a disconnect to micro data; 2) all the microfounded macro researches and policy analysis maintain this zero gap assumption; 3) horizontal (or inter-sectoral) gap make the macroeconomic aggregates inconsistent.
A growing literature has emerged that aims to reconcile this micro-macro gap. Yet, the fundamental positive (measurement) and normative (theoretical) questions on the origins of microfoundations have not been responded: Are the NA aggregates same as the bottom-up (exact) aggregation of their micro counterparts (in survey or even administrative data sources)? Should the NA aggregates (macro reality) always be a reflection of the bottom-up (exact) aggregation of their micro counterparts? There seems to be a multitude of reasons to challenge a positive answer to the positive question. We argue for a retroductive reasoning in redirecting our gap reconciliation efforts: Measurement efforts should reconsider the starting assumption (eg all and only the aggregates in NA should be distributed) when there is sufficient evidence that the various aggregation theories are fragile; Theorists should search for the alternative perspective of methodological individualism when confronted with the positive evidence of the micro-macro gap..This workshop aims to highlight this issue and open an international debate on this fundamental topic.
Keynote Speakers
Kevin Hoover (Duke University)
Workshop on Microfoundations in Measurement and Theory (bundesbank.de)
Scientific Committee
- Eddie Gerba (BoE, LSE and CES Ifo)
- Kevin Hoover (Duke University)
- Joachim Hubmer (University of Pennsylvania)
- Christos Koulovatianos (University of Luxembourg)
- Junyi Zhu (Deutsch Bundesbank)