Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
The success of bank mergers revisited - an assessment based on a matching strategy Discussion paper 06/2008: Andreas Behr, Frank Heid
855 KB, PDF
Rollover risk in commercial paper markets and firms' debt maturity choice Discussion paper 05/2008: Felix Thierfelder
284 KB, PDF
Estimating asset correlations from stock prices or default rates - which method is superior? Discussion paper 04/2008: Klaus Düllmann, Jonathan Küll, Michael Kunisch
374 KB, PDF
Business cycle evidence on firm entry Discussion paper 08/2008: Vivien Lewis
363 KB, PDF
Integration of financial markets and national price levels: the role of exchange rate volatility Discussion paper 07/2008: Mathias Hoffmann, Peter Tillmann
781 KB, PDF
Monetary policy and bank distress: an integrated micro-macro approach Discussion paper 03/2008: Ferre de Graeve, Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter
530 KB, PDF
Bank mergers and the dynamics of deposit interest rates Discussion paper 02/2008: Ben R. Craig, Valeriya Dinger
307 KB, PDF
The German sub-national government bond market: evolution, yields and liquidity Discussion paper 06/2008: Alexander Schulz, Guntram B. Wolff
745 KB, PDF
Financial markets and the current account - emerging Europe versus emerging Asia Discussion paper 05/2008: Sabine Herrmann, Adalbert Winkler
284 KB, PDF
Analyzing the interest rate risk of banks using time series of accounting-based data: evidence from Germany Discussion paper 01/2008: Oliver Entrop, Christoph Memmel, Marco Wilkens, Alexander Zeisler
430 KB, PDF