Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Central Bank Intervention and Exchange Rate Expectations - Evidence from the Daily DM/US-Dollar Exchange Rate Discussion paper 17/2002: Stefan Reitz
143 KB, PDF
Monetary Transmission in the New Economy: Service Life of Capital, Transmission Channels and the Speed of Adjustment Discussion paper 16/2002: Ulf von Kalckreuth, Jürgen Schröder
209 KB, PDF
An Examination of the Relationship between Firm Size, Growth and Liquidity in the Neuer Markt Discussion paper 15/2002: Julie Ann Elston (University of Central Florida)
181 KB, PDF
Price rigidity, the mark-up and the dynamics of the current account Discussion paper 14/2002: Giovanni Lombardo
992 KB, PDF
Analysing Divisia Aggregates for the Euro Area Discussion paper 13/2002: Hans-Eggert Reimers
545 KB, PDF
Dependencies between European stock markets when price changes are unusually large Discussion paper 12/2002: Sebastian T. Schich
974 KB, PDF
The pass-through from market interest rates to bank lending rates in Germany Discussion paper 11/2002: Mark A. Weth
436 KB, PDF
Zur langfristigen Tragfähigkeit der öffentlichen Haushalte (Haushalte in Deutschland - eine Analyse anhand der Generationenbilanzierung) Diskussionspapier 10/2002: Bernhard Manzke
496 KB, PDF
The long-term sustainability of public finance in Germany - an analysis based on generational accounting Discussion paper 10/2002: Bernhard Manzke
528 KB, PDF
Estimating Bilateral Exposures in the German Interbank Market: Is there a Danger of Contagion? Discussion paper 09/2002: Christian Upper, Andreas Worms
196 KB, PDF