Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
Do Consumer Confidence Indexes Help Forecast Consumer Spending in Real Time? Discussion paper 27/2004: Dean Croushore
178 KB, PDF
The reliability of Canadian output gap estimates Discussion paper 29/2004: Jean-Philippe Cayen, Simon van Norden
1014 KB, PDF
How will Basel II affect bank lending to emerging markets - An analysis based on German bank level data Discussion paper 05/2004: Thilo Liebig, Daniel Porath, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Michael Wedow
390 KB, PDF
How the Bundesbank really conducted monetary policy: An analysis based on real-time data Discussion paper 25/2004: Christina Gerberding, Andreas Worms, Franz Seitz
336 KB, PDF
Real-time Data for Norway: Challenges for Monetary Policy Discussion paper 26/2004: Tom Bernhardsen, Øyvind Eitrheim, Anne Sofie Jore, Øistein Røisland
509 KB, PDF
Towards a Joint Characterization of Monetary Policy and the Dynamics of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Discussion paper 24/2004: Ralf Fendel
342 KB, PDF
Asset Prices in Taylor Rules: Specification, Estimation and Policy Implications for the ECB Discussion paper 22/2004: Pierre L. Siklos, Thomas Werner, Martin T. Bohl
305 KB, PDF
Financial Liberalization and Business Cycles: The Experience of Countries in the Baltics and Central Eastern Europe Discussion paper 23/2004: Lúcio Vinhas de Souza
782 KB, PDF
How effectiv are automatic stabilisers? Theory and empirical results for Germany and other OECD countries Discussion paper 21/2004: Michael Scharnagl, Karl-Heinz Tödter
297 KB, PDF
Financial constraints for investors and the speed of adaption: Are innovators special? Discussion paper 20/2004: Ulf von Kalckreuth
567 KB, PDF