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Dataset updates

Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F)

The Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F) is a firm survey data set. The Research Center and the Research Data and Service Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank conduct the survey since June 2020 in cooperation with an external survey company, forsa.

Dataset documentation

Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F) – Data Report 2023-07 – Metadata Version 1 Dominik Boddin, Mona Köhler, Pawel Smietanka

Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F) DOI = 10.12757/Bbk.BOPF.2023Q3.01

Further information

Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F)


Bundesbank Online Panel – Households (BOP-HH)

The Bundesbank Online Panel Households (BOP-HH) is a online survey of German citizens aged 16 years or older. It collects e.g. information on individuals’ expectations regarding the development of inflation, house prices and interest rates in Germany as well as their past and planned expenditures and socio-demographic characteristics.

Dataset documentation

Bundesbank-Online-Panel-Households (BOP-HH) DOI = 10.12757/Bbk.BOPHH.202402

Further information

Bundesbank Online Panel – Households (BOP-HH)


Investment Funds Statistics (IFS-Base)

The IFS-Base is the core module of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s Investment Funds Statistics (IFS). Since September 2009 the IFS allows for a detailed overview of the assets and liabilities of German open-end investment funds on a fund-by-fund level.

Dataset documentation

IFS-Base – Data Report 2024-02 – Metadata Version 7 Jan Dominik Eiff, Kathrin Friederich, Emily Kormanyos, Miriam Krüger

Micro Database: Investments Funds Statistics-Base DOI = 10.12757/Bbk.IFSBase.09092312

Further information

Investment Funds Statistics (IFS-Base)


Selected master data for MFIs (MaMFI)

The Zentralkartei Banken (ZentK) is the database where the master data for the institutes with reporting obligations (MFIs, their foreign branches and subsidiaries as well as the multi-office banks) are administered chronologically and therefore their codification in all surveys of the banking statistics.

Dataset documentation

Selected master data for MFIs – Data Report 2024-03 – Metadata Version 10 Harald Stahl

Selected master data for MFIs DOI = 10.12757/Bbk.MaMFI.199901-202312.01.01

Further information

Selected master data for MFIs (MaMFI)


Monthly Balance Sheet Statistics (BISTA)

The monthly balance sheet statistics list domestic banks (MFIs)' assets and liabilities based on the books at the end of the month. They thus represent the most comprehensive statistical survey of the banking industry in Germany and are at the core of the banking statistics reporting system.

Dataset documentation

Monthly balance sheet statistics – Data Report 2024-04 – Metadata Version 6 Mirko Schäfer, Harald Stahl

Monthly balance sheet statistics DOI = 10.12757/BBk.BISTA.99Q1-23Q4.01.01

Further information

Monthly balance sheet statistics (BISTA – Bilanzstatistik)


Statistics of the banks' profit and loss accounts (GuV)

Bank profit and loss statistics provide data on the income and expenditure of MFIs on an annual basis. This involves the evaluation of the profits and losses calculated from the annual accounts which the banks must submit to the Bundesbank pursuant to section 26 of the Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz).

Dataset documentation

Statistics of the banks‘ profit and loss accounts 1999-2022 – Data Report 2023-21 – Metadata Version 13 Harald Stahl, Nicole Scheller

Statistics of the banks' profit and loss accounts DOI = 10.12757/BBk.GuV.9922.01.01

Further information

Banks' profit and loss accounts (GuV)


Statistics on international financial and capital transactions (SIFCT)

The research dataset “Statistics on international financial and capital transactions (SIFCT)” provides detailed information on capital transfers receivable and payable between residents and nonresidents, the acquisition and disposal of nonproduced, nonfinancial assets as well as transactions involving financial assets and liabilities and investment income.

Dataset documentation

Statistics on international financial and capital transactions (SIFCT) – Data Report 2024-05 – Metadata Version 6 Elena Biewen, Lien Pham-Dao, Harald Stahl

Statistics on international financial and capital transactions DOI 10.12757/Bbk.SIFCT.200101-202312.01.01

Further information

Statistics on international financial and capital transactions (SIFCT)


Selected master data for foreign affiliates of MFIs (MaMFI-FIL)

The dataset covers selected master data of the banking statistics for legally dependent and independent majority-owned foreign affiliates of German MFIs that are banks themselves.

Dataset documentation

Selected master data for foreign affiliates of MFIs – Data Report 2021-04 – Metadata Version 1 Harald Stahl

Selected master data for MFIs DOI = Bbk.MaMFI_FIL.200203-202312.01.01

Further information

Selected master data for foreign affiliates of MFIs (MaMFI-FIL)


External position of banks (AUSTA – Auslandsstatus)

Dataset documentation

External position of banks (AUSTA) 03/2002-12/2023 – Data Report 2024-06 – Metadata Version 6 Cordula Munzert, Harald Stahl

External Position of Banks – consolidated banks DOI = 10.12757/BBk.Austacon23v1

External Position of Banks – foreign branches and subsidiaries DOI = 10.12757/BBk.Austafil23v1

External Position of Banks – domestic institutes DOI = 10.12757/BBk.Austanat23v1

Further information

External position of banks (AUSTA – Auslandsstatus)