Bundesbank Online Panel – Households (BOP-HH)
The Bundesbank Online Panel Households (BOP-HH) is a online survey of German citizens aged 16 years or older. It collects e.g. information on individuals’ expectations regarding the development of inflation, house prices and interest rates in Germany as well as their past and planned expenditures and socio-demographic characteristics. Each waves consists of a core set of questions, which is stable across waves, and questions submitted by external and internal researchers. The survey is conducted by forsa. Respondents were sampled from the offline-recruited forsa.omninet panel. The survey consists of three pilot waves between April and June 2019 and monthly waves from April 2020 onward. The sample size for each wave is between 2,500 and 5,000 individuals, with a panel component. Participation in the study is voluntary and takes about 20 minutes.
Available modules
No subdivision of the dataset.
Units worth protecting
No units worth protecting as the data is available as a scientific use file.
Available access modes
For each DOI-registered research dataset, the RDSC provides extensive documentation in the form of a data report as well as detailed metadata on DataCite.
The data sets are registered with DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an international standard for data citation) at DataCite.