The Bundesbank's tasks concerning collateral
The Deutsche Bundesbank checks on a daily basis the eligibility of all of the securities admitted for trading or traded in Germany against the eligibility criteria and reports eligible securities to the ECB. Every business day (at 18.15), the ECB publishes its list of eligible marketable assets.
Furthermore, the Bundesbank has a dedicated credit assessment system to assess the credit quality of non-financial enterprises, which are generally eligible counterparties as debtors of non-marketable assets.
Other Bundesbank tasks relating to collateral include, in particular, close cooperation in the Eurosystem for the purpose of, for instance, refining the single framework and managing counterparty collateral (eg management of collateral accounts, technical development and operation of collateral management systems). Additionally, the Bundesbank analyses the refinancing behaviour and collateral usage of its monetary policy counterparties as part of its monetary policy monitoring. Since 2012, the Bundesbank has also been providing another major service for the entire Eurosystem in cooperation with the Banque de France – the valuation of marketable assets within the framework of the Common Eurosystem Pricing Hub (CEPH).