Reports pursuant to the Liquidity Regulation

Information on electronic submission

Pursuant to section 11 (3) of the Liquidity Regulation, reports submitted after 1 January 2007 must be in paperless form. The Deutsche Bundesbank accepts electronically submitted reports only via the Bundesbank ExtraNet.

Data entry portal for liquidity reports and monthly returns

In addition, the Bundesbank offers the option of initial data entry via the Bundesbank ExtraNet. You may register to use this function here. Should you already be authorised to use ExtraNet for another specialised procedure or another function, you may apply for follow-up registration.

If, owing to the use of other ExtraNet procedures, no declaration of submission (in German only) has yet been provided for the prudential supervisory reporting procedure, please submit this declaration along with your initial registration application to use ExtraNet.

XML submission

No changes will be made to the current XML record structure in the context of the Liquidity Regulation. Its structure is thus identical to the previously published schema for submitting Principle I and Principle II reports or monthly returns. Only the names of the forms and the item headings have changed. Please use the new form names and item numbers of the liquidity reporting forms in the XML reporting file.