Below you will find selected dates concerning the Deutsche Bundesbank. If you have any questions regarding individual publications or events, please contact the Press Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank, tel: +49 69 9566-33511.
Lecture, Berlin School of Economics Speech held by Dr. Joachim Nagel, title: “Wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen für mehr Wachstum in Deutschland“
The speech will be published.
Followed by a panel discussion at 2:30 pm.
Contact: Berlin School of Economics, Marie-Wally Konrad
tel: +49 30-2093-99414, email: -
Frankfurt School – OMFIF Seminar "The European and International Monetary and Financial Landscape" Speech held by Dr. Fritzi Köhler-Geib, title: “Adapting to a changing world: monetary policy, structural reforms and digitalisation“
The speech will be published.
Conference "The ECB and its Watchers", Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability, Europäische Zentralbank Panel discussion with Dr. Joachim Nagel, title: “The Policy Strategy: Identifying Potential Needs for Adjustment“
Contact: IMFS, Jakob Liermann
tel: +49 69 798-34504, email: -
Academic Conference, Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel Panel discussion with Dr. Fritzi Köhler-Geib, title: “Monetary Policy After the Inflation Surge – What Have We Learned?“
Contact: Institut für Weltwirtschaft Kiel, Elisabeth Schröder
tel: +49 30 30830637-5, email: -
Zukunft des Bezahlens, Deutsche Bundesbank Panel discussion with Burkhard Balz, title: “Zukunft des Bezahlens“
Contact: Deutsche Bundesbank, Press and Media Communication,
Tel.: +49 69 9566-33221, email: -
Panel discussion "Croissance: un réveil européen?" with François Villeroy de Galhau, Banque de France, und Joachim Nagel, Deutsche Bundesbank
Contakt: Sylvia Guibert
tel. +33 1 53 83 46 20, email: