Press releases
Here is a list of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s current press releases.
Bundesbank proposes debt brake reform for sound public finances and increased investment
The Bundesbank is expanding its reform proposals for central government’s debt brake, laying out a stability-oriented path towards increased government investment. It is thus presenting a concept that supports the necessary measures to strengthen infrastructure and defence whilst ensuring sustainable public finances over the long term, in line with European rules.
Monetary policy measures shape the Bundesbank’s balance sheet Peak annual burdens are behind us
As in 2023, the monetary policy measures of the past few years shaped the Bundesbank’s annual accounts in the 2024 financial year. For the reporting year, it has recorded an accumulated loss of €19.2 billion.
Volume of counterfeits in Germany up again Total loss arising from counterfeits down
In 2024, the Bundesbank registered approximately 72,400 counterfeit euro banknotes with a nominal value of €4.5 million in German payments. The number of counterfeits was thus up by 28% on the year.
January results of the Bank Lending Survey (BLS) in Germany Credit standards in all loan categories tightened
German banks tightened credit standards for loans to enterprises, loan to households for house purchase, and for consumer credit and other lending to households in the fourth quarter of 2024. Loan demand increased further in all loan categories, especially for loans to households for house purchase.
Acquisition of financial assets and external financing in Germany in the third quarter of 2024 Results of the financial accounts by sector
In the third quarter of 2024, German households’ financial assets grew by €197 billion, closing the quarter at a new record high of €9,004 billion. This is a continuation of the uninterrupted growth trend that has lasted since end-2023.
German balance of payments in November 2024
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €24.1 billion in November 2024, up €10.4 billion on the previous month’s level. This was caused by a larger surplus in the goods account and especially by the shift to a surplus in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income.
Announcement of the basic rate of interest as of 1 January 2025: adjustment to 2.27%
The Deutsche Bundesbank calculates the basic rate of interest pursuant to Section 247(1) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) and publishes its current level in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) pursuant to Section 247(2) of the German Civil Code.
Bundesbank bids farewell to Helmut Schlesinger
The Deutsche Bundesbank mourns the passing of its former president, Helmut Schlesinger, who died on 23 December 2024 at the age of 100.
Paying with cash or debit card less costly than with credit card Costs of data disclosure recorded for the first time
Paying with cash or a debit card is the cheapest payment method for consumers in Germany. Cash incurs the lowest costs per payment transaction, while debit cards are cheapest in relation to the amount of money spent. Paying with a credit card is in any case considerably more expensive. These are the conclusions drawn by a study entitled “Costs of cash and card payments from a consumer perspective”, which was carried out on behalf of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
The Bundesbank’s Forecast for Germany: economy struggling with persistent headwinds Inflation down to 2% from 2026 onwards