Figurative mark of the ExtraNet
General information on ExtraNet

ExtraNet is the Bundesbank’s e-business platform.

Contact persons ExtraNet and NExt

Click here to find the relevant contact for any service or technical queries concerning particular procedures.

Initial registration / extinction former employees

If you are not yet an ExtraNet user, you can register here respectively the extinction former employees.

Initial Registration / extinction

User administration

(Only available for users that have already registered.)

Here you can use an existing user ID to register for additional specialised procedures as well as to make changes to your user profile (view, change, delete).

User administration / secondary registration

Interactive services  / reporting portals / master data search engine

In addition to the filetransfer application, ExtraNet has interactive applications which you can use to create reports, submit bids, manage collateral, create payment notifications, submit queries about borrowers and borrower units as well as other functions.

Statistics and banking and financial supervision areas
General statistics reporting portal (AMS)
Portal for banking supervisory reports / master data search engine (BAM)

Markets and payment and settlement systems areas
Open market operations (OMTOS)
Bund Bidding System (BBS)
Collateralmanagement Access Portal (CAP)
EFSF / ESM Bidding System (EBS)
MACCs- Mobilisation and Administration of Credit Claims

Cash area
Cash electronic data interchange (CSH)
Cash recycling reporting procedure (CRCMV)

ExtraNet - filetransfer

(Only available for users that have already registered.)

The filetransfer application is used to securely upload and download files between customers and Bundesbank business units.

File transfer