Test environment
In addition to the live environment, a test environment is available for MACCs, which participants can generally use from Monday to Thursday after consultation with the support team credit claims.
After logging in to the test environment, counterparty data with the required pools are provided for testing purposes.
Before commencing production operations, each new MACCs participant must complete a customer test in order to connect to the procedure. The customer tests involve practising all business transactions, especially creating debtor data and submitting credit claims. During testing, the support team credit claims provides counterparties with extensive telephone support. MACCs can only be used for submitting credit claims as collateral if the test has been completed successfully. Counterparties can request access to the MACCs test environment by registering for the first time using the link below. After the user has successfully registered, they can log in to the MACCs test environment using their individual access data.
File downloads for the test environment can be found below.
File downloads test environment
Only in German. To access the files a MACCs test environment login is needed.
File uploads test environment
Only in German. To access the files a MACCs test environment login is needed.