Participant information
The new start date is 16 June 2025.
Please note that some documents listed below still refer to previous go-live dates.
Virtual training and information events
In order to prepare its monetary policy counterparties optimally for the future use of the ECMS, the Deutsche Bundesbank regularly conducts training courses and information events on specific topic.
The basis for the training courses held so far was the virtual basic training course on the ECMS in November/December 2022, which covered the main functionalities and documentation of the ECMS. Building on this, the Deutsche Bundesbank offered its counterparties specialised training courses in February and March 2023 focusing on the topic of “Access & GUI” and “Reference data”. In May 2024, Deutsche Bundesbank offered our counterparties a training session on the subject of reference data. This specialist training course was a refresher training session, which, among others, focuses on the creation of users and groups in the ECMS. In addition, we informed our counterparties about new developments in the field of reference data, e.g. the possibility to link an existing user to several distinguished names (DN). From July to September 2023, three virtual training courses took place on the topic of “Collateral Management for Counterparties” as part of the ECMS. Among other things, these training courses focused on giving an overall overview of a counterparty pool as well as on providing information of the collateral position and credit position.
In February and March 2024, we offered our counterparties two training sessions with the same content on the subject of corporate actions (CA). The training sessions focused on the main CA basic concepts (definition, actors, lifecycle) and CA standards (news, events, workflow). In addition, participants learnt how CA events will be processed in the ECMS as a whole and in the individual phases of the CA lifecycle.
Further training courses are forseen in 2025.
The Bundesbank held another ECMS Info Session in November 2024. In this ECMS Info Session, the Bundesbank covered the topics of the ECB's Focus Session on 20 November 2024 and provided further information on the timeline and key milestones ahead, user testing and migration with regards to the go-live of the ECMS in June 2025.
The virtual info session in February 2024 tackled issues of the ECB’s ECMS Focus Session on 24 January, 2024. In addition, the Bundesbank provided central bank-specific insights into the planning and updating of the project plan, User Testing and Migration with a view to the ECMS – then still current – going live in November 2024.
In addition, virtual info sessions on the ECMS were conducted in June and July 2023, covering the topic from the ECMS Focus Session of the ECB on 12 June 2023. The Deutsche Bundesbank provided central bank-specific insights into User Testing, Migration and the Preparation status of the German market for the connection to the – then still current – start of operations in April 2024.
Previous events included information events in March 2022 and November 2020, where various aspects such as connection and access options, functionalities, test activities and migration in connection with ECMS were explained for the first time.
You can download the presentations for the events at the bottom of the page.
Virtual exchange platform “ECMS Customer Forum User Testing”
Since September 2023, the Deutsche Bundesbank has also provided its counterparties with a virtual exchange platform on which the institutions can interact on test-related issues and thus benefit from the experience of others. If you are interested in participating in the next event, please let us know as early as possible.
Event | Address |
Monday, 10 March 2025 10:00 − 11:00 a.m. | virtual event (Webex) |
The German version of the presentations can be found at the end of the page under:
Training sessions
Presentations of the information events
partly in German
Information on test and migration
Documents for participants on preparation and implementation