Documentation & FAQs
The new start date is 16 June 2025.
Please note that some documents listed below still refer to previous go-live dates.
Functional project documentation |
In version 1.5 of the Business Description Document for the ECMS, we introduce the functions and properties of the ECMS to our counterparties and thereby support stake-holders in their go-live preparations. The document explains the different functionalities available to external agents (counterparties, CSDs and TPAs) and provides information on communication between the ECMS and those groups of users.
The ECMS message usage guide describes how the ECMS communicates in A2A mode using ISO 20022 messages. It explains which schemata, attributes, business roles and annotations are relevant in this context. Furthermore, it informs how to get access to the ECMS group in MyStandards in order to view the content of necessary messages in more detail.
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The Catalogue of Messages provides a detailed description of the entire set of ISO 20022 messages used by the ECMS. It allows the reader finding the necessary information related to messaging which is needed to establish a functioning system of A2A-communication between ECMS and the ECMS Actors.
Note: The “Credit Claim Files” are only relevant for credit claims managed in the ECMS. For counterparties of the Bundesbank, this only applies to the cross-border use of credit claims via the CCBM. The domestic use of credit claims will be managed in MACCs.
Further information on MACCs can be found in the section:
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The ECMS assigns predefined roles to users (counterparties, central securities depositories (CSD) and triparty agents (TPA). The business functions users are allowed to perform depend on the roles assigned to them and the respective data scope. A role consists of a number of rights that determine which functionality in the ECMS the user has access to. Each right relates to a business function for which the individual user either has read-only authorisation or which he can actively manage (execution). The system configuration in U2A mode provides a two-eyes principle and four-eyes principle for verification. In A2A mode this is done granularly according to business function in a two-eyes principle.
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The ECMS Roles & Access right matrix file describes the screens that can be accessed according to the role in the ECMS GUI. This document can be downloaded under the following section:
This document describes how ESMIG and the ECMS verify that an A2A message sender is entitled to perform the instruction described by the message and therefore prevent the processing of a message/file built and sent by an actor not allowed to perform the action.
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When the ECMS processes received instructions it assigns them different status codes depending on the process stage reached (e.g. matched). This document provides an overview of the various instructions (e.g. mobilisation of marketable assets) and the relevant status codes assigned by the ECMS. The ECMS sends corresponding A2A messages to inform about the status achieved in each case. U2A users can view the status of instructions via the ECMS GUI.
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When the ECMS processes instructions sent to the ECMS, business rules are used to perform different validations. This document provides counterparties, CSDs and TPAs with a comprehensive list of the business rules in the ECMS and the corresponding reply text fields that may be sent to the sender of the message or file.
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This document aims to describe the functionalities that allow a third party to act on behalf of a counterparty or provide connection to the ECMS to a counterparty.
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The user handbook for the monetary policy counterparties intend to support the use of future graphical user interfaces (GUI) in the ECMS. It contains detailed information on all GUI screens and step-by-step instructions on typical workflows in the ECMS.
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This document provides a guide for creating new users and groups, as well as information outlining the logical structure of multiple relevant numbers within the ECMS production and test environment.
Documents on technical connection |
The ECMS Connectivity Guide provides counterparties with a detailed description of technical connectivity to the ECMS for both the test and live environments. It explains the different communication modes available to counterparties and provides detailed information on the steps needed to subscribe to the Value Added Network Service Provider’s (VA-NSP) Services for the ECMS (U2A – user-to-application and/or A2A – application-to-application).
The central access point to the TARGET services, T2 (CLM and RTGS), T2S, TIPS and ECMS is the Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG). For future communication with the TARGET services and therefore ECMS, every counterparty needs to be connected via ESMIG (directly or can use third-party technical access). The two network service providers (NSPs) SIA-COLT and SWIFT, licensed by the Eurosystem, are available for this purpose. Further documents on the connection via ESMIG as well as information on contracts with the network service providers SIA-COLT and SWIFT can be found in the "TARGET2/T2S Consolidation" section.
Further information from the ECB |
On 13 April 2021, the Governing Council decided important changes that will be valid with the go-live of ECMS. One is the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) settlement policy, according to which Eurosystem monetary policy counterparties will be required to mobilise collateral for use in Eurosystem credit operations into accounts held by euro area national central banks (NCBs) in central securities depositories (CSDs) that participate in T2S. Furthermore the elimination of fees for the mobilisation of marketable assets as collateral via the Correspondent Central Banking Model (CCBM).
Exernal link
FAQs |
The introduction of the ECMS has raised a whole range of questions among monetary policy counterparties. The Deutsche Bundesbank has therefore compiled and published frequently asked general questions and answers - also from the information and training events on this topic. Questions and answers on the topics of “Testing and Migration” can be found in the separate document. Both documents are updated regularly.