Foreign currency transactions US dollar tenders

The Eurosystem weekly conducts liquidity-providing USD-operations with a maturity of one week.

The timeline for every offered USD-operation will be as follows:

Announcement of the tender(T+0) 09:15 a.m.
Submission of bids until(T+0) 09:45 a.m.
Publication of tender results(T+0) 10:50 a.m.

The operations will take the form of repurchase operations against eligible collateral and will be carried out as fixed-rate tender procedures with full allotment and a maturity of one week. Bidding for the USD tenders is conducted via the Deutsche Bundesbank's Open Market Tender Operations System (OMTOS). By placing a bid, the counterparty recognises the latest version of the Deutsche Bundesbank's terms and conditions for US dollar credit operations as part of a special facility of the Eurosystem as published on the Internet. This does not affect the procedure by which the allotment amount and, where appropriate, the interest rate and further settlement procedure for the operations are communicated by telephone. All counterparties must therefore provide the Deutsche Bundesbank with the necessary contacts and, where necessary, advise the Bank of any changes. This communication may be made by telephone on +49 69 2388-1480 or via contact form. Please use the contact options in the above contact box.