OpenMarket Tender Operation System (OMTOS)
OMTOS (OpenMarket Tender Operations System) is the electronic bidding system for the execution of the Eurosystem's open market operations as well as the foreign exchange Liquidity Providing Operations (LPO).
OMTOS offers all business partners which are eligible to participate in the ESCB’s open market operations a simple and cost-effective means of taking part in the ESCB’s open market tenders and therefore the opportunity to obtain central bank money directly.
In addition, a mailbox is integrated into the OMTOS application, through which the Bundesbank can transmit customer-specific counterparty data.
General information on OMTOS is published in a separate area.
The line Information for new customers provides parties interested in OMTOS with an overview of the steps necessary to become an authorised user of OMTOS.
The complete OMTOS documentation is available in the Documentation. Detailed information on OMTOS can be found under menu item Contact..