Selected master data for MFIs (MaMFI)
The Zentralkartei Banken (ZentK) is the database where the master data for the institutes with reporting obligations (MFIs, their foreign branches and subsidiaries as well as the multi-office banks) are administered chronologically and therefore their codification in all surveys of the banking statistics. This key information is used uniformly from all units of the banking statistics.
Due to the high confidentiality of the data the access for researchers is restricted to a subset of the variables and some of them are provided in less detail than the underlying data. On the other side, given the information available the creation of additional variables proved to be helpful, particularly with respect to mergers and acquisitions.
Available modules
No subdivision of the dataset
Units worth protecting
The institutions must be protected, which are contained in the variables either “BAID” or “BAID_DOM” or “BAID_MOF”.
Available access modes
Data structure file
Data structure files are sample data that reflect the structure of the real data set without containing real data.
For each DOI-registered research dataset, the RDSC provides extensive documentation in the form of a data report as well as detailed metadata on DataCite.
The MaMFI data sets are registered with DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an international standard for data citation) at DataCite.