Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F)
The Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F) is a firm survey data set. The Research Center and the Research Data and Service Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank conduct the survey since June 2020 in cooperation with an external survey company, forsa. The survey consists both of recurring key questions about the economic situation of companies and of their expectations and special modules that differ from quarter to quarter and often deal with current topics. Between June 2020 and March 2021, four rounds of the survey were carried out, each involving around 10,000 firms. Since July 2021, BOP-F contains quarterly survey data collected over the three months cycle with a net sample size of approximately 3,000 firms per month.
Available modules
No subdivision of the dataset
Units worth protecting
Firms (BBk_Sample_Key)
Available access modes
For each DOI-registered research dataset, the RDSC provides extensive documentation in the form of a data report as well as detailed metadata on da|ra.
The BOP-F data sets are registered with DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an international standard for data citation) at da-ra.