Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates International Monetary Fund - Deutsche Bundesbank

The joint conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank will bring together high-ranking economists and policymakers from Germany and abroad to discuss areas in which the economic policy debate has been particularly intense in recent years. These include developments in wages and inflation, the appropriate fiscal policy stance, Germany’s current account surplus and the post-crisis agenda for the euro area and Germany.

Keynote address
09.00 – 09.15
Jens Weidmann ©Frank Rumpenhorst
Dr Jens Weidmann,
President of the Deutsche Bundesbank

Session 1: Wages and inflation in Germany
09.15 – 10.30

Poul Thomsen
Poul Thomsen, International Monetary Fund

Peter Bofinger © Sachverständigenrat
Peter Bofinger,
German Council of Economic Experts

Michael Hüther © Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V.
Michael Hüther,
German Economic Institute (IW)

Stephan Kohns ©Nils Thies
Stephan Kohns,
Deutsche Bundesbank

Lucrezia Reichlin © Luca Bruno
Lucrezia Reichlin,
London Business School

Session 2: Fiscal policy: a medium-term view
11.00 – 12.15

Rolf Strauch © European Stability Mechanism
Rolf Strauch, European Stability Mechanism

• Curriculum Vitae

Manfred Bergmann
Manfred Bergmann,
European Commission

Lars Feld © Sachverständigenrat
Lars Feld,
German Council of Economic Experts

Daniel Gros © Gleamlight
Daniel Gros,
Centre for European Policy Studies

• CV

Ludger Schuknecht © Bundesministerium der Finanzen
Ludger Schuknecht,
Federal Ministry of Finance

Session 3: Germany’s current account surplus: a problem to be fixed?
13.45 – 15.00

Jens Ulbrich
Jens Ulbrich, Deutsche Bundesbank

• Curriculum Vitae

Clemens Fuest © ifo institut
Clemens Fuest,
ifo Institute

Maurice Obstfeld © International Monetary Fund
Maurice Obstfeld,
International Monetary Fund

Jens Südekum © schmidt-dominé
Jens Südekum,
Heinrich Heine University

Guntram Wolff © Miguel Manso
Guntram Wolff,

Concluding panel: A post-crisis agenda for the euro area and Germany: which way forward?
15.30 – 16.30

Christine Lagarde © International Monetary Fund
Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund

• Curriculum Vitae

Benoît Cœuré © European Central Bank
Benoît Cœuré,
European Central Bank

• CV

Marcel Fratzscher © DIW Berlin/B. Dietl
Marcel Fratzscher,
German Institute for Economic Research

• CV

Mario Monti
Mario Monti,
Bocconi University

• CV

Christoph Schmidt © Sachverständigenrat
Christoph Schmidt,
German Council of Economic Experts

• CV