Discussion papers
The discussion papers with economic studies or financial and banking studies are elaborated by the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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Active monetary policy, passive fiscal policy and the value of public debt: Some further monetarist arithmetic Discussion paper 12/2003: Leopold von Thadden
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On the Stability of Different Financial Systems Discussion paper 10/2003: Falko Fecht
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The international integration of foreign exchange markets in the central and east European accession countries: speculative efficiency, transaction costs and exchange rate premiums Discussion paper 08/2003: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
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Determinants of German Foreign Direct Investment in Latin American and Asian Emerging Markets in the 1990s Discussion paper 11/2003: Torsten Wezel
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Die internationale Integration der Devisenmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Spekulative Effizienz, Transaktionskosten und Wechselkursprämien Diskussionspapier 08/2003: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
171 KB, PDF
Determinants of German FDI: New Evidence from Micro-Data Discussion paper 09/2003: Claudia M. Buch, Jörn Kleinert, Farid Toubal
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Die internationale Integration der Geldmärkte in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern: Abweichungen von der gedeckten Zinsparität, Kapitalverkehrskontrollen und Ineffizienzen des Finanzsektors Diskussionspapier 07/2003: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
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The international integration of money markets in the central and east European accession countries: deviations from covered interest parity, capital controls and inefficiencies in the financial sector Discussion paper 07/2003: Sabine Herrmann, Axel Jochem
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A vectorautoregressive investment model (VIM) and monetary policy: panel evidence from German firms Discussion paper 06/2003: Jörg Breitung, Robert S. Chirinko, Ulf von Kalckreuth
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A comparison of dynamic panel data estimators: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to the investment function Discussion paper 05/2003: Andreas Behr
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