Discussion papers
The discussion papers with economic studies or financial and banking studies are elaborated by the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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Estimating probabilities of default for German saving banks and credit cooperatives Discussion paper 06/2004: Daniel Porath
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The Contribution of Rapid Financial Development to Asymmetric Growth of Manufacturing Industries: Common Claims vs. Evidence for Poland Discussion paper 34/2004: George M. von Furstenberg
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Inflation and core money growth in the euro area Discussion paper 36/2004: Manfred J.M.Neumann, Claus Greiber
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Fiscal rules and monetary policy in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model Discussion paper 35/2004: Jana Kremer
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Interest rate reaction functions for the euro area Evidence from panel data analysis Discussion paper 33/2004: Karsten Ruth
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Measurement errors in GDP and forward-looking monetary policy:The Swiss case Discussion paper 31/2004: Peter Kugler, Thomas J.Jordan, Carlos Lenz, Marcel R.Savioz
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Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real-time Discussion paper 32/2004: Todd E.Clark, Sharon Kozicki
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Forecast quality and simple instrument rules - a real-time data approach Discussion paper 30/2004: Heinz Glück, Stefan P. Schleicher
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The use of real-time information in Phillips curve relationships for the euro area Discussion paper 28/2004: Maritta Paloviita, David Mayes
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Do Consumer Confidence Indexes Help Forecast Consumer Spending in Real Time? Discussion paper 27/2004: Dean Croushore
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