Here you find speeches of the current and past members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from the past ten years. Speeches of the former Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Deutsche Bundesbank date back to 2005.
Opening speech at the Deutsche Bundesbank's third cash symposium
From the point of view of Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, there is no need to loosen the accommodative monetary policy any further. In remarks delivered at the third cash symposium of the Deutsche Bundesbank, he noted that, instead, the forces of growth in the euro area needed to be strengthened and that the measures already introduced should be given time to unleash their impact.
Die Bedeutung des Bargeldes in Deutschland 3. Bargeldsymposium der Deutschen Bundesbank
Nicht genug oder zu viel des Guten? Die Bedeutung von Finanzmärkten für die Wirtschaft Vortrag bei der Graduiertenfeier des Master of Finance an der Goethe Business School in Frankfurt am Main
An impossible trinity? The interplay of monetary, financial and fiscal stability Welcome remarks at the Bundesbank Spring Conference "Monetary, financial and fiscal stability"
At the Bundesbank’s Spring Conference with the title “Monetary, financial and fiscal stability” Jens Weidmann stressed the need for a better understanding of the interplay of different policy areas to achieve and maintain macroeconomic stability.
Bankenvielfalt und Regulierung – Brauchen wir mehr Proportionalität in der Bankenregulierung? Vortrag bei der Bankwirtschaftlichen Tagung der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken in Berlin
Bundesbankvorstand Andreas Dombret hat sich bei einer Veranstaltung in Berlin dafür ausgesprochen, die Verhältnismäßigkeit der Regulierungsreformen insbesondere mit Blick auf kleinere Institute zu wahren. Allerdings würde zu oft die Verhältnismäßigkeitsdebatte dazu benutzt, um Generalkritik an der Bankenregulierung politisch korrekt zu verpacken, so Dombret weiter.
Digitalisation – repercussions for banks and their supervisors Speech delivered at the 16th Norddeutscher Bankentag "Digitalisation – (r)evolution in the banking industry" at Leuphana University Lüneburg
European banking union – a construction site – Common supervision, common resolution, common deposit insurance scheme? Speech at the Bundesbank symposium "Banking supervision in dialogue"
Perspektiven für den Bankensektor Eingangsstatement zum Panel "Finanzmärkte und Bankensektor in Europa" der 11. Jahreskonferenz NPL-Forum
Milder Winter, heißer Sommer? - die aktuelle Lage im Euroraum Rede beim Wiesbadener Tischgespräch der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Dinner Speech at the 6th Frankfurt Finance Summit
In a speech he gave in Frankfurt am Main, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann stated that it was indeed appropriate to make the regulation of the banking sector more stringent as a lesson learned from the financial crisis. However, he added that a further tightening (Basel IV) was not on the agenda. He also refuted the accusation that Germany was saving too much and investing too little.