Press releases
Here is a list of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s current press releases.
Announcement of auction - 6-months Bills of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
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Statement concerning technical central bank cooperation with Bangladesh
The Deutsche Bundesbank has shelved a prospective cooperative venture with the Central Bank of Bangladesh regarding counterfeit prevention until further notice. This decision was triggered by press reports that Bangladesh is planning to threaten to impose the death penalty for serious cases of counterfeiting.
Deutsche Bundesbank’s new storage plan for Germany’s gold reserves
By 2020, the Bundesbank intends to store half of Germany’s gold reserves in its own vaults in Germany. The other half will remain in storage at its partner central banks in New York and London
Slight increase in the number of counterfeits Slight upward trend in counterfeit banknotes
In 2012, the Bundesbank detected approximately 41,500 counterfeit euro banknotes. This means that the number of counterfeits rose – albeit from a low level (2011: 39,000) – by around 6.4% on the year.
3-months Bills of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) - Auction result
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Invitation to bid for 3-months Bills of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
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Announcement of auction - 3-months Bills of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
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Announcement of the basic rate of interest as of 1 January 2013: basic rate of interest falls to -0.13%