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Balance of payments statistics – January 2020 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Public Debt and Changing Inflation Targets - Discussion of M. Krause and S. Moyen Guido Ascari
425 KB, PDF
The dynamics of the Bundesbank’s TARGET2 balance Monthly Report of the Deutsche Bundesbank March 2011; p. 34-35
48 KB, PDF
Monthly Report - October 2018
The Bundesbank’s October 2018 Monthly Report comments on trends in state government finances, the implementation of the debt brake and future budgetary surveillance. It also analyses the macroeconomic impact of uncertainty as well as the activities of multinationals against the backdrop of national economic statistics. Furthermore, the report contains an article on the growing importance of exchange-traded funds on the financial markets.
Climate-related disclosures by the Deutsche Bundesbank 2023 Part of the Eurosystem-wide climate-related disclosures on the non-monetary policy portfolios (NMPPs)
The Bundesbank's climate-related disclosures for 2023 update and supplement last year’s results, in line with the Eurosystem’s decisions.
Banks that trade securities grant fewer loans Research Brief | 3rd edition – April 2016
In the United States and Europe, efforts are being made to limit banks' proprietary trading of securities. A key argument is that if banks invest in securities, they reduce the credit supply to the real economy. A new study uses microdata to examine the role of proprietary trading in times of crisis and its impact on lending activity.