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Crypto tokens and decentralised financial applications Article from the Monthly Report July 2021
209 KB, PDF
Does a Currency Union Need a Capital Market Union? Joseba Martinez, Thomas Philippon, Markus Sihvonen
405 KB, PDF
Ratios from financial statements of German enterprises 2000 to 2002 Special Statistical Publication 6
Guide to climate scenario analysis for central banks and supervisors
Climate change, and our response to it, will have a significant impact on economic and financial systems. The impacts will be far-reaching in breadth and in magnitude; subject to tipping points and irreversible changes; and are uncertain yet at the same time totally foreseeable. In particular, while we do not know now exactly what physical and transition risks will materialise, we do know for sure that we will face some combination of those risks. And, crucially, we also know that the size and balance of these future financial risks and economic costs will depend on the actions we take today.
Ratios from Financial Statements of German Enterprises 2002 to 2003 Special Statistical Publication 6